Monday, March 16, 2009

Tromborg + Rant

Yeah i am giving up... soo sad of me :( I just have about a month of holiday left so i don't know but just maybe some company i hd applied to would call me? wishful thinking. Okay on to other topics.

I just collected my tromborg mineral foundation after so long and guess what the colur is too dark for my skin tone. I had my doubts about the colour but the makeup artist was confident that she had chosen the right colour so i went with her choice. But it's not really a waste as it goes well with my mum's skin tone. And my mum got me other stuff as well. Oh, the perks of shopping with your mum :p. She got me the healing aloe vera gel and mud mask mineral rich dead sea black mud. The aloe vera gel smells lovely and smooths on the skin delightfully :). But the mud mask is a little harsh on the skin and has a burning sensation but leaves the skin fine textured and smooth to the touch.

And i got a nice shock after reading someone's blog. I am quoted word for word. Seriously, its melodramatic of that person. If he is so unhappy he should have confronted me. But it is NOT my fault that you got to know about the change of classroom venue for the pathology examination through a person from another class cos guess what i just knew when i arrived at school about a few minutes to spare before the exam. I would like someone to enlighten me why was i only informed on the day of the exam maybe about 5 minutes to spare then maybe i can explain why i had not informed the rest of the class. And why would i not want to inform the class if i had known.

I may not be the best asst class rep but i tried and thats all that matters. To me. If you want any other explanations sure. You can ask me.

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