Saturday i went with kulsum to singapore poly open house
We had free popcorn and cotton candy. Yummie.
I was out of Singapore Poly by 12am plus i believe.
I had ordered the book 'I believe you' by Low Kay Hwa from a girl on friendster. She wanted to meet me at dover MRT around 12pm and she ended up coming at 1pm.
I was waiting at the MRT platform for about an 1 hour. When she had arrived she demanded that i come down to the ground level to collect the book from her as she did not want to pay the MRT fare to come up and meet me up at the platform. What audacity. The only reason that i wanted her to come up was so that she can pay for the fare. DUH. Dumb bitch. Since i was running late cos i was following kulsum to her friend's birthday party later in the evening i had to give in to that girl and go down to collect my book. I asked for $1 discount but she refused. 1 hour ok not just 15 or 20 mins. If she had something on she should have said so.
Customer Service Rating: -3784632307.
Then went to Aloha Changi for kulsum's friend birthday.It was okay: read boring. The food literally made me cry. Oh no not for more but for water. God it was soo damn spicy.Someone said my name sounded japanese. Weird that's the first time i got such a comment on my name. Then some random guy at the party dropped us at harbour front MRT cause it was nearer to our house. We had to leave before the real fun started. Yah so that took up my whole Saturday.
Nothing much happened on Sunday. Sunday is always my lazy day. Somehow everything seems slow on a sunday for me. But i hate sundays because the next day would be a school day.
I wish that blogger comes up with something that auto-checks our spelling so that i do not have to read again for spelling errors.
And good luck to everyone getting their GCSE o-level results today. I remember i was so nervous that i was shivering when i collected my results. haha. But all had went well for me i am sure it would be the same for all of you. We always picture the worst but it would turn out fine. I am just happy that i am done with it.