Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ups n downs

the trip has been postponed to later months due to the political unrest in thailand. Sigh. Now we have to do SPOC, vision screening....but its not too bad i guess. I mean we are still going, just you know later than planned.

And i got my new phone yesterday!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

defective eye

woo hoo! 9 more days to cold water baths and elephant rides.

hmm tmrw gonna get a hiking bag and shoes maybe @ queensway for e trip. Should I?
got two jabs today for tetanus and typhoid. My week consists of specs recyling,oph, ret and other odd jobs for the trip.

today we learnt how to take fundus picture... so cool and i have PPA!!! That one only high myope/glaucoma supposed to have.

so far i have scar on my cornea and a congenital opacity in my lens, PPA @ retina and some other defect which my teacher had said and i cannot remember. Lol my eye has so many so called "defects".Hope i can update more here instead of once in a turquiose moon ;b

Thursday, January 14, 2010

vanilla twlight :)

weeee i am back!!! haha i must be the only one excited for what prompted me to come back to write is a song by owlcity- specifically vanilla twilight
i love that song and i had to write it somewhere. And i have news, i am going to thailand(chiang rai) during march for 14 days for my ITP.

i don't understand why GOOGLE has a happy holidays logo? i thought holidays were just over??? now i am trying to do my homework...and oh yes almost forgot, i am reading a weirdass storybook titled a widow for a year. its written in third person and i am not used to such books and it does not help that the story has a weird quality, i just can't put my finger on what is exactly the cause of the book's weirdness. now i am just rambling. back to homework with vanilla twilight in the background. bye.

The stars lean down to kiss you
I lie awake and miss you
pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

cause i'll dose of safe and soundly
but i'll miss your arms around me
i'd send a postcard to you dear
cause i wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light blue
but its not the same without you
because it takes two to whisper quietly

the silence isn't so bad
till i look at my hands and feel sad
the spaces between my fingers
are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
though i haven't slept in two days
cold nostalgia chills me
to the bone

drenched in vanilla twilight
i'll sit on the front porch all night
waist deep in thought because
when i think of you i don't feel so alone

as many times as i blink
i'll think of you tonight
i'll think of you tonight

when violet eyes get brighter
and haevy wings grow lighter
i'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And i'll forget the world that i knew
but i swear i won't forget you
oh, if my voice could reach
back through the past
i'd whisper in your ear
oh darling, i wish you were here