Thursday, May 28, 2009


This whole routine is getting old so am i and so are you- this is how life feels like

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SP makeup artiste club interview

Today i went for the makeup club interview...the questions asked were pretty basic stuff. I was fairly relaxed during the interview... i was actually having a nervous while waiting for my turn; but when my my turn came i just kinda calmed down. They asked questions like why do want to be in this club?, have you got experience? what can you do to make eyes look bigger and the worst question... if a makeup event clashes with your classes which would you pick... i figured it was a trick question to see who is irresponsible enough to skip classes. :p
I gave my most pained look and said 'uhh no i would go to my class'. So hopefully that was the right answer to the question. I really want to get in. But if i don't its okay as well.(Just reminding myself about the worst) I am a melancholic so its in the blood.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The long and the short of it....(Paradox poem)

This poem is so clever...can anybody figure it out? i understood the first 4 paragraghs but trying to understand the last 2 gets very confusing even after reading the explanation. But i love it anyway.

Why is it that long is shorter than short,
And short is longer than long?
Why is long not longer than short
And short not shorter than long?

Why is not shorter shorter than short,
As longer is longer than long?
And why is longer shorter than shorter
And shorter not shorter than long?

If shorter was short and short was shorter,
Then shorter'd be shorter than short.
But if long were longer and longer were long
Then longer'd be shorter than long.

I hereby suggest that shorter be long
And longer be shorter instead.
Then long would be longer
'Thus longer than short
And short could be just as it was.

But if longer is shorter, is shorter longer,
And shorter not long as I said?
And if long is now longer and shorter now long,
Is short still as short as it was?

Can longer be shorter, whilst shorter is long,
Or is shorter now longer not long?
And if long is now longer and shorter is long,
Is long not shorter as well?

Explanation in the website

Friday, May 1, 2009

labour day

not written any poem for some time, so typical of me.
anyways today is labour day YAY.

Thursday i bought a novel by Jodi Picoult - sister's keeper from my school they had a 30% discount so grabbed them at 12 bucks:D
Its a heart wrenching story, dissolved me to tears, almost...but the story has such an unexpeced turn of fate. Just shows how fragile life is.

Hmm i just learned how to do retinoscopy with the my retinoscope, the concept behind it is not that hard but performing it is tough. I am such a blur sotong i had to have eplained to me twice and still i had doubts here and there but its a start anyway.